Daddy's Little Girl

8:34 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

We have pretty much the best Dad ever, not to brag of course. Leyna wanted her toes painted and I told her that I would do it later. But what do I find when I come into the living room, but her Dad painting her toenails pink while she reads a book and critiques him on what toe needed painted. Funny how girls know everything from the start... like the crazy things her daddy would do for her :)

Leyna's First Haircut!!

8:14 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

We finally decided that it was time for our little Princess to get her haircut... at first she was a little apprehensive but then she was fine. We brought her to Cookie Cutters, its a place where they have a small play place, dvd players at every chair and the kids get to sit in an airplane or a car. She did great! I don't think she really understood what was going on, she actually didn't say anything until after when she was in the store with Daddy... " Where did my hair go?" She is such a cutie! We also figured it was time for Sammy to get a haircut, he was looking rather shabby. My kids are so cute!!

First Day of School

8:40 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Sam was blessed enough to be randomly picked to attend the local charter school here, Thomas Edison Elementary. The Principal is amazing and his teachers are great! We are so proud of our big boy, growing up! This kid is just plain awesome, he is catching on fast, loves school and is way excited to go! Kindergarten here is only half day, which is probably good for the young ones. He is so cute when we drop him off, he will run straight into the school and before he reaches the door he'll look back at me with such a huge grin that makes me smile. I must say it is such a wonderful way for me to start my day.