Trouble in the Kitchen

8:02 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

So the other day I left my daughter alone in the kitchen to finish her food, this is always a not so awesome idea yet day after day I continue to have hope that she can handle it. Why? you ask is this a not so awesome idea, well she thinks she can cook, and grabs anything that could constitute this crazy thought. This time she found cinnamon, steak seasoning and peppers which all went onto her lunch that was once a family favorite of beef stroganoff, now a horrible experiment gone wrong. I asked her to eat it, and she tried after all she was really proud of herself. So with a big grin she took a bite, chewed (which surprised me), and spit it out. I couldn't stop laughing! She cracks me up, always doing something that is totally cool in a little kids mind, but in my mommy head I just think, "hmmm, that was $1.25 that you just waisted. But what the hey, this is cute, and this is what I signed up for when I became a mother.""

Baby it's cold outside! (from Jan 2010)

5:10 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

9:52 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

Just some pictures that I took this past week, enjoy!